Friday, 23 July 2010

Glen Affric Dragonflies

23 July - A sunny day in scenic Glen Affric (1,2), and some of the northern species seen - Black (4,5) and Highland Darters, a very flighty White-faced Darter (poor photo,8); Downy Emerald (3), Four-spotted Chaser (6) and Golden-ringed Dragonflies (7) - and Damselflies including Large Red (11) and Emerald (10) as well as Common Blue (9). I saw one probable Azure Hawker flyby but no others, and did not see Northern or Brilliant Emeralds. Butterflies included a Scotch Argus (and later Large Heaths on the hillside). There's always next year! Fantastic Caledonian Pine forest and bog, very atmospheric.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Southern Hawker

17 July - While on a birding trip to Ham Wall and Ashcott, I saw perhaps fewer dragonflies than expected, as it was rather windy, but had a good view of a female Southern Hawker showing bright green and yellow markings - it was hawking actively, so I didn't get any photos, but this shot is from the web, copyright Andrew Harmer.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Ruddy Darter, Otmoor 10 July 2010

10 July - A male Ruddy Darter I identified retrospectively from my photos taken at Otmoor yesterday - note the bright red abdomen with characteristic "waist" and swollen, club-tailed tip. The first time I have definitely seen this species in the UK.

Swillbrook, CWP

11 July - An afternoon visit to CWP at Swillbrook while the fine weather continues. Brown Hawkers (1) and Emperors (2)seen, with Common Blue Damselflies (3) and a Banded Demoiselle. Butterflies included Ringlet (4), Gatekeeper, Red Admiral and Speckled Wood.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Purple Emperors at Bernwood

10 July - A morning field trip with the Upper Thames BC group, and I saw at least 5 male Purple Emperors, including 2 on the ground, one of which was very obliging for the camera (1-3). Their flight is powerful and very distinctive, involving flaps and glides. Other species seen included White Admiral, Silver-washed Fritillary, Large (4) and Small skippers, Ringlet, Marbled White (5), Comma and Common Blue. Dragonflies included Brown and Common Hawkers, and Common Darters (fem,6).

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Scarce Chasers in Wilts

8 July - an afternoon visit to the River Avon west of Semington gave me a views of a new Dragonfly species, and in my home county - 2 male Scarce Chasers were seen well through the binoculars though were too distant to photograph. The photo is copyright FullMoonImages. This is a localised species, but is well established in a few spots in west Wilts, where it likes slow-flowing rivers with plenty of vegetation. Also seen - Banded Demoiselles, a patrolling Brown Hawker and Common Blue Damselflies.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

New Forest

3 July - A good selection of species seen Beaulieu Heath and Crockford Bridge in the New Forest - Silver-studded Blue (1,2), Essex Skipper(3) and Grayling (4) Butterflies, and several Dragon- and Damselflies including Southern (5) and Large Red (6) Damselflies, Beautiful Demoiselle (7), Keeled Skimmer (8), and Golden-ringed Dragonfly (9).